Newer tattoo!

The cover of The Alpha And The Omega

New tattoo!

Everyone’s a critic.

What my friend’s cat thinks of NeoSparta:

Alien life!

Terran Union predicted (the possibility of) life on Saturn’s moon, Enceladus. Just sayin’…

Free online stories!

Introducing a new feature on this website: Stories! So far, this page includes Sinon and Prisoners of Time. In the future, the list of stories will grow to include more online published works.


Terran Union

The first e-book of the Terran Union series is available now!

FREE on Google Play, iTunes, Kobo,and Nook. ($1 on Kindle. Hopefully it’ll also be free soon.)


On the NeoSparta front, I haven’t heard back from any literary agents, so I’m about to query book publishers directly.

Also wrote a short story called Sinon. Submitted it to a handful of magazines. If they pass on it, I’ll cast a wider net and send it to several more magazines.

In the meantime while […]


What if the ancient military city-state of Sparta existed, even thrived, until modern times? That’s the premise of my completed novella, NeoSparta.

Currently peddling the manuscript to literary agents. Wish me luck!

The Trip

I’m squatting on the knuckle of a giant earthen hand, whose fingers are lazily swaying in a lake of fluid mercury. The deep blue sky is littered with the ivory skeletons of soldiers clashing with the endless vertebrae of serpents. I feel like a point of light. Sometimes, I forget I’m even here.

Someone’s behind […]


As a fanatical atheist (previous post), bitter that I “wasted” my life being a fanatical Christian (previouser post), I anointed science as my new god. Unlike religion, science was empirical. Unlike religion, science provided proof. And unlike religion, science invited, even encouraged, questions to its authority.

Or so I thought.

According to the boffins, the […]


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